
Three Questions with Steven Pressfield

A tweet in the dark, author to agent

Perfectionism as a Crippling Force

The Happy Prince (a small Sunday decadence)

Random House lobby is book nerd Mecca

Research Tool Alert: The Criminal Law Handbook

Say hello to my little friends (2 sweet new research wranglers for the writer's toolbox)

You Know You're Married to a Writer When...


What Kristin Chenoweth knows (and Kanye West and Joe Wilson don't) that writers need to learn

Benefit Critique Auction

If You Build It... They Won't Look Under the Bed

Respect for the Work

Worst blog buddy in the world here (but I promise to do better)

Foreign Cover Fun:Triple Exposure's Polish Edition

Coming Unstuck without Coming Unglued

How's This for a Boxing Octopus?

What is truth? (Ben Yagoda on the life story of an art form)

Okay, I'm Listening Already!

Ah, Paris...

New Cover Art

Some Things Defy Words: 9/11/01

September 10, 1983

Get your Jack Imel on! (The writing life is all about multi-tasking.)

Crashing Through Brick Walls: First Lines that Sold

Are you suffering Rejection Fatigue? (Take two of these with a glass of wine.)

An early end to my Infinite Summer

The Camel Bookmobile Project

Dialogue's Pettiest of Peeves

The Tao of Dialogue

Your Attention Please

Speaking of Structure