
Seth Godin on the seductive peanut butter 'n' arsenic cookie of self-sabotage

Saturday Morning Cartoon: How "Lost" should have ended (a lesson for writers)

Networking in Brief

"I'm a professional observer." (Sebastion Junger on WAR and rhythm)

Buy This Book: The State of Jones: The Small Southern County That Seceded from the Confederacy by Sally Jenkins and John Stauffer

"Secret Room" and Brutus Morris: Stoker's Character Notes for Dracula

Listen to This: "Wonder Wheel" by the Klezmatics

Talk Yourself Unstuck

On Words, Work and Jerry McGuire

"But can't you just take a look at it?": What You're Really Saying When You Ask An Author To Read Your Unpublished Manuscript

Dang, I wish I was cool enough to go to Comic Con!

What You Will and Will Not Get Out of a Writers' Conference

Are you really selling the story?

The Cut

Serenity Now: Seinfeld as Thriller

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Novels Like Swords

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Coming around signifying