Looking to test drive a new writing project? West Houston Romance Writers of America's Emily contest is one of the best, with great feedback, top-tier finals judges (editors and agents) and many, many finalists going on to sell over the years. Also, the contest is open to both published and unpublished writers. (Published authors eligible in categories in which they haven't previously published or haven't published within the last five years.) Check the website via the links below for more details. Here's the official release: The 2013 Emily Contest opens for submissions this Saturday, September 1st, 2012 and closes at midnight, September 30, 2012. For more information and to enter: http://whrwa.com/emily/ * All Electronic ~ Fee: $30 (WHRWA members $20) * No synopsis ~ maximum of 7,000 words * Three first-round judges ~ lowest score dropped * Open to published authors (not published in category for three years) * Multiple entries allowed * Entries capped at the fi...
on the many-tentacled business of books