
In memoriam: Cher and Nicholson do Updike

When Life Imitates Art

Hyacinths to feed the soul (The writing life is all about priorities)

Joanne Rendell on the "Damned Mob of Scribbling Chicks"

The Amazing Adrenaline Simulator

Finalists for the 2008 National Book Critics Circle Awards

Every Villain's the Hero of His Own Story

Saturday morning cartoon: Konstantin Bronzit's "Lavatory Lovestory"

Books Unbound: Lev Grossman on the state of the publishing industry

Getting It Down

Romancing the Season:Win a Basket of Autographed Books

Theresa Meyers Shares Lessons from Second Graders

Prima Donna vs. Patsy: Finding Middle Ground

Go with God, Andrew Wyeth (a Secret Life rediscovered)

You 've Got to Laugh

Answering Colleen's question above: Mitchell and Webb make me laugh.

Paniks "Baile del karramarro" (because it's Friday and because drinking in good art makes us better writers

A joint's only as classy as the last guy in the door (Joni's publishing parable du jour)

The More, the Merrier

The MacMillan digital marketing team explains it all to you!

Score one for Joni and Kristin Chenoweth:A rocking great review from PW!

Orwell's "Why I Write"

Sunday Quote: Mansfield on Risk

Life Interruptus

Angels and Liars PS

Go get mooned this weekend! (Every once in a while, we have to look up.)

When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Start Dragon

Diagrammar (a moment of unabashed love for Strunk & White)

Here at the Intersection of Discretion and Valor

Life smarts (update on Colleen's broken wing)

Declaring your genius

Saturday morning video: "The Darlene Sunshine Show"

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button": Did you love it or hate it?

Happy New Year!