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Showing posts from April, 2014

Enter to Win a New Kindle Paperwhite!

Last week, my publisher, Montlake, sent me a lovely, brand new Kindle Paperwhite to celebrate the sales of my romantic suspense novel, Fatal Error !  It was a wonderful surprise, and I've been enjoying it so much that I've decided to give away another (sorry! you can't have mine!) along with a copy of The Best Victim (or any of my other books!) to celebrate the paperback, audio, and official Kindle e-release of The Best Victim . Entering is easy. Just  click the link  to find out how.

Win a Critique from Author Colleen Thompson

During the month of May, bid on a chance for to win my critique of the first 50 pages of your romantic suspense, suspense, or thriller, followed by a 30-minute follow-up meeting at the national RWA conference in San Antonio this July, or a follow-up phone consultation if you'd prefer. All proceeds to benefit  Author Brenda Novak 's Auction for Diabetes Research.