Lots of dubious text-to-give opportunities popping up. Here are three organizations that have a strong presence in Nepal, no religious agenda and excellent report cards on Charity Navigator. American Red Cross Fundraising and admin costs prevent them from getting a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator, but they are always the first relief organization I donate to. Maybe this is just me being an old fart, but I've seen them in action during hurricanes down here on the Gulf Coast, and they are amazing. The Nepal Red Cross was in place and prepared. British and American Red Cross disaster training is ongoing, so they were immediately rendering first aid and working to rescue people. Donate via credit card or text “redcross” to 90999 to donate $10. Direct Relief Coordinating with local and emergency response partners in the hours and days ahead, along with corporate and technology companies. According to Charity Navigator report card, 99% of your donation g...
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