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Showing posts from April, 2015

#NepalQuake Relief: Three top-rated charities with no religious agenda

Lots of dubious text-to-give opportunities popping up. Here are three organizations that have a strong presence in Nepal, no religious agenda and excellent report cards on Charity Navigator. American Red Cross Fundraising and admin costs  prevent them from getting a 4-star rating  on Charity Navigator, but they are always the first relief organization I donate to. Maybe this is just me being an old fart, but I've seen them in action during hurricanes down here on the Gulf Coast, and they are amazing. The Nepal Red Cross was in place and prepared. British and American Red Cross disaster training is ongoing, so they were immediately rendering first aid and working to rescue people. Donate via credit card  or text “redcross” to 90999 to donate $10. Direct Relief Coordinating with local and emergency response partners in the hours and days ahead, along with corporate and technology companies. According to Charity Navigator report card,  99% of your donation g...

Mommy blogs and memoirs: Where do we draw the line when writing about our kids?

Just saw this excellent piece that appeared in the Atlantic two years ago: The Ethical Implications of Parents Writing About their Kids (Tips for spotting a problematic new genre: parental overshare) by Phoebe Maltz Bovy, who makes many valid points and has a name I would like to steal for a character in a novel. With the ease of publishing a blog post or even a book these days, there's been a glut of confessional writing, and there's been some internet sturm und drang over this issue. (Do not say "mommmy wars." I will punch the next person who uses the term "mommy wars" or "women's fiction." Do not test me. I will punch you on the arm.) The way the two sides have been presented reminds me of this amusing anecdote, which really is not about my kids, though they are in it, and they are naked: When my son and daughter were toddler and infant, I gave my mother-in-law an adorable photo of them in the bathtub. In the photo, my mom is sittin...

Cannot believe I just bought THE ACCURSED by Joyce Carol Oates for a buck #BuyThisBook

Okay, setting aside my fundamental moral objection to selling books for 99 cents... squeeeeeeeee ! The publishing angel on my right shoulder just got its butt kicked by the greedy little reader demon on my left. I couldn't resist. I hope they don't keep it marked down very long, just on principle, but I also hope it will turn cheapo readers on to JCO, one of my all time favorite authors.

One for #SiblingsDay :)

No one has challenged, vexed, loved, hated, teased, comforted, tormented, tested, uplifted, entertained or inspired me than my brothers and sisters. From left: Janis, Diana, Linda, me and Allen with our baby bro Roger piloting the scrap wood and mop bucket airplane.

#60SecondBookReview Timelines collide in My Memories of a Future Life by Roz Morris

See more book reviews on my YouTube channel, Joni's List .

#MondayMotivation Sherman Alexie on why you keep dancing...

Apply as needed to writing and life...

60 Second Book Review: An Unchoreographed Life by Jane Davis

For more reading recommendations and reviews, visit Joni's List on YouTube .

Happy Easter! (Some things just never stop being hilarious.)

It's been 25 years since I dragged my kids to Wallgreens for a free photo with the hapless Crayola bunny. I still die laughing every time I see it. My daughter looks like the angry piglet from  Alice in Wonderland , my little boy appears to be suffering a psychotic break, and I feel certain the bunny went out drinking that afternoon and passed out in his own vomit somewhere in the black, black abyss behind the balloons. Anyway, um... Happy Easter!

Author Toolbox: Snazzy QR cards from @Moo = perfect book event tchotchkes

Later this month, Foyles on London’s Charing Cross Road will host the Indie Author Fair , part of the London Book Fair Indie Author Fringe Festival. I'm thrilled to see the next wave coming: indie authors and indie bookstores FINALLY partnering in meaningful, mutually beneficial ways. I was really hoping I could be at LBF this year, but alas, twas not to be. Next best thing to being there: I'm sharing a table at the Foyles event with Roz Morris, one of my Women Writing Women boxmates, via these nifty cover art cards. I had them printed and sent directly to Roz by . Moo allows you to design a mixed lot of cards with as many different images as you like. I chose six cover images and kept it simple on the back with a QR code that takes cardholder to my website. The Green paper (optional) is 100% recycled. Gotta love that. When I entered Roz's shipping address, I was directed to Moo's UK site, which saved me the price of shipping overseas. Total cost for ...