My new hero: Timothy Egan on "Book Lust"

Are you as sick as I am of hearing about the death of reading, how writers of novels are on a fool's errand, and how print publishing's going the way of the Dodo? How whatever *you* personally best love to read and write is about as welcome in New York as an incontinent Bull Mastiff in an Oriental rug shop?

Take heart, new superhero Timothy Egan, wrote a New York Times Outpost piece on "Book Lust" that paints a far cheerier picture, in which he takes Steve Jobs to task for saying “...the fact is that people don’t read anymore" and backs up his censure with facts sure to warm the cockles of a lot of book-loving hearts.

It's a short piece that's already garnered 360 comments and a lot of attention. I suggest you read it and start your week with some good news for a change.


Joni Rodgers said…
Thanks for that, Colleen. I also thought that was a terrific article.
Elen Grey said…
I think he may be mine, too. That was a great article. Thanks for posting it.
Suzan Harden said…
LOL - And the so-callled experts said the same "blanking" thing when Atari was introduced to the masses back in the l975.

Don't get me wrong. I love the convenience of e-books while traveling. Which means we still writers!
Glad you all enjoyed this. It's fun to hear something other than doomsayers now and then!