I just handed off a proposal to my agent, so it's time for me to move on to one of several writing items on my to-do list.
Except that I don't wanna. It's a gloomy, rainy day in Houston, and chores need doing, the dogs want petting, the soup requires cooking and...
Oh, crud, it's just inertia, creeping over me like kudzu. And as with kudzu, there's not a darned thing you can do except to whip out your machete (or pen or keyboard in my case) and hack straight through the crud. Because the more you put it off, the thicker inertia's vines grow all about you, and before you know it, you've wasted not a day but a week, a month, or a career to what Steven Pressfield, in his fabulous War of Art, calls the forces of resistance.
By the way, if you're having problems with procrastination, try Pressfield's little book. It's a quick read but one ever writer should own.
Or you can try my time-honored technique and whine about it on the blog 'til you feel too guilty to avoid the real work.
Anyone have other tips to get themselves started? I'd love to hear your ideas.
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey, it worked. I sent out five.
I started my project yesterday, but despite coming up with an ubercool opening para, it didn't feel right.
Turns out I had the hero/heroine roles backward. Time for some gender-bending.