
I'm working my tail off this week in an attempt to complete the draft of a book due all too soon. So what do I get? Distractions.

Not the family kind so much. With my son off to college, husband off to work, and the mutts behaving themselves (mostly), there shouldn't be much in the way of obstacles.

So my subconscious, ever resistant to the idea of finishing a project, is manufacturing the little suckers and lobbing them in my direction. Some are fears: what if I finish and it stinks? how can I possibly get the manuscript edited in such a short time? Others are wildly-improbable plot wrinkles: what if I went back to page 100 and completely rewrote all the hero's scenes from his dog's POV? Wouldn't that make my publisher more excited about the book and fit onto the current fantasy bandwagon? Others, most seductive, are ideas for completely-different novels, often in genres unrelated to the multi-book contract I'm completing.

I'm reminding myself these "brilliant ideas" are mirages, which will evaporate the second I have the time to pursue them. Basically, they're grenades lobbed my way for a brain that's desperate to get out of the hard, hard work entailed in wrapping up a novel that amounts to a romance, suspense, and mystery all rolled into one.

So which part of the manuscript causes your brain to throw up roadblocks (or maybe just throw up)? Is it the beginning, middle, or the end? Or do you have more trouble sending out submissions?


Joni Rodgers said…
All right, simmer down, girlfriend. That thing about the dog's POV has me a little worried. (On the other hand, if you made it from the fish's point of view...)


And let me know if you see Chuck Norris.
Suzan Harden said…
LOL - I LOVE the baby in the helmet!!

"Go! Confront the problem! And call me when you get back, darling. I enjoy our little chats." - Edna Mold, The Incredibles

Hmmm... My problem is definitely the submissions. I can bask in my own brilliance when someone isn't telling me my book sucks.
Chuck hasn't yet put in an appearance. And readers like dogs, don't they?

Ok, back to reality.

Love the quote, Suzan! And get thee to the mailbox. Don't make me turn loose the flying monkeys. ;)
Peg Brantley said…
My heart is beating—hard.

There's something I don't understand.

Something I missed.

There are actually parts of the manuscript process that DON'T want to make you throw up?
LOL, Peg.

Actually, I love beginning a new book. There's this delicious taste of possibility that leaves me energized. I usually don't hit the wall until the 3/4 mark. And the oy, vey, it's all wailing and gnashing of teeth until I finish.
Suzan Harden said…
Oooo, I second Colleen on the beginnings part! Or maybe that idea that wakes you up at two in the morning, and you think that's so cool...
Usually, when I get those two-in-the-morning ideas, they turn out to be gag-worthy in the light of day.

Though I did have this really cool idea last night that held up to the harsh morning light test...
OMG, Colleen. I'm on the home stretch of a ms. that I care so much about I'm afraid to let it out of my hands. I keep saying: "No, that's not what I meant," and changing it. This on top of a release this week. I'm freaking out wondering how it's doing/how it's going to do. I'm sure my career is over.

You manage to put out book after book of high quality, so I'm not too worried about you. Sorry. :-) It's very easy for me to have confidence in you. You'll do it, and do it well.
Thanks so much for the vote of confidence, Jenn. I appreciate it and wish you best of luck with The Immortals: The Redeeming. I have no doubt whatsoever that it's going to hit the lists.

But in the misery-loves-company department, it's sort of nice to know that even best-selling authors get the jitters right around release time. ;)