Shanna Swendson is touring the Girlfriends Cyber Circuit this week with her latest: Damsel Under Distress. Here's the buzz from Armchair:
I love Shanna Swendson’s Katie Chandler novels. They’re quirky and make me laugh out loud. The dialogue is snappy, the characters endearing (well, maybe not the evil ones...) and the plots are fascinating. She’s taken over the throne from Buffy, Sabrina is losing ground and Bridget Jones doesn’t shine as bright anymore, because we have Katie Chandler and she rules.Genre-bending and pop culture are Shanna's thing. She slipped the surly bonds of corporate America to do what she loves. Her fiction is a mix of fantasy, romance, and chick lit, while her essays and articles explore modern media at its best and worst.
Check the girlfriend out!
Meanwhile, I'm on Day 2 of my Finding Fast. So far, I've found that words are a lot harder to do without than food. And that fasting in any form is about mindfulness, not deprivation. This morning I bumped my head on the freezer door, which would normally elicit a string of sailor talk from me. Instead of cussing a blue streak, I had to pause, feel both the impulse and the pain, and let it go.