Lifehacker looks at the top 5 ebook sellers

Interesting article on Lifehacker discussing their favorite five ebook stores with results of their reader pole. Not surprisingly, here's how the numbers break down with over 3500 readers weighing in:

Kindle Store = 45.01%
Kobo store = 27.26%
Barnes & Noble = 12.41%
Project Gutenberg = 9.11%
Google ebooks = 6.22%

I was kind of stunned by the Kobo and B&N numbers, which may reflect their readership more than the general population. I really love Project Gutenberg, a go-to source for me for years, but I've downloaded four books since they started offering Kindle interface, and all of them had formatting problems that were pretty annoying/ distracting for my taste. Hopefully that will improve.

I think the lesson here for ebook publishers is that the venues are expanding.
