Pardon me while I have a fan girl moment. Last night at Lisa Hamilton's benefit performance of "Bald in the Land of Big Hair" (an ingenious one-woman show based on my memoir), I met Houston artist Kelly Gale Amen. I've loved (no, make that LOVED -- like a tween loves Bieber, like an elbow patch loves Proust) his mind-expanding, space-bending furniture for years. Now that I've met the guy, I understand why these pieces bring such a strong vibe of joy into the spaces they inhabit. He's a fabulously styled force for good in Houston and the universe. Pictured here, an art bed created in collaboration with Texas Children's Hospital cancer patients and their siblings. Click here to visit the KGA interior gallery and be agog.
Boxing the Octopus Contest/Dream Advice Exclusive: Ask Dr. Hudson a question about your dreams in the comments below or simply post a comment to be entered in a drawing to take place on Friday, August 5th at noon CDT to win a copy of Into Your Dreams! Beginning this afternoon (Monday, 8/1) Dr. Hudson will answer your dream questions on a first-come, first-served basis in the comments section. Please include an e-mail address with your comment or check back at the blog on Friday afternoon so we can reach you if your name is drawn. -------------------- Right around the time I sold my first book, I was fortunate enough to meet Jan Hudson, the author of more than thirty romances and romantic comedies. During a shared meal at a writer's conference, I casually mentioned a vivid, terrifying dream that had repeatedly troubled me for months, something about continually being cut off on my commute to work by tornadoes dropping from the sky. That's when I learned of Jan's ...
The show was excellent. Ingenious is definitely the right word for it. I was raving about it to Mark all the way home (he spent the time wandering around the village and lingering in Half Price Books). I hope Lisa can come back and do it again, for several showings somewhere.
Good stuff.
But you and Lisa were the stars, lady. And hopefully the show will take flight to aid many cancer fundraisers across Texas and the nation.
I also so enjoyed meeting Kathryn. (Hey, Kathryn!) It was great to share the performance next to such a lovely lady. (Not to mention that whole serendipitous thing of running into my sis-in-law from Beaumont.) :-)
It was a lovely evening, and I was proud to be there.
And what is the formula for a perfect evening -- one that entertains, informs and transcends? Last night's event
benefiting Houston's The Rose based on Joni Rogers'real-life journey during and after cancer was just such an occasion at Main Street Theater.
There were culture makers Regina Rogers and Kelly Gale Amen there offering their support along with presidential son Steve Ford, whose courageous mother Betty changed forever the way breast cancer would be viewed by millions of women.
Hats off to Pink Ribbons Project, Hope Tree Home Loans, and all the great folks and firms who make it possible for The Rose to offer screening and treatment for breast cancer to thousands of women whether or not they have the means to pay.
This show -- with Lisa's incomparable talent -- must go on, and on ... and on. Bravo!